How do Powerful People Become Powerful These 5 Secret Principles can help you reach the 1%

How do powerful people become powerful
Photo by Valario Davis on Unsplash
We all want to be powerful like those people we see in the media. Making moves everyday and making their lives matter. They drive nice cars, live in big houses and seem to know everyone wherever they go. Then you look at the mirror and you see nothing powerful about you. 

You go to Twitter and hook with some Guru who will sell you some product that will make you the best person you ever wanted to be! All for the price of $2,000 dollars. You think about it for a bit and then get on your phone to look at your bank account. you look a the so called Guru's page and included in that $2,000 dollar product you will get a chance to hear the Guru himself in live seminars. You say "Fuck it" and plop that 2 grand on your Master Card. 

You get instant access and you start reading and reading and watching videos. You notice that there is not much they told you that you probably already know. but at least you got the "feel good" attitude for now which wears away after a few days. Then life is back to the same bullshit as before.

To become a powerful person you don't necessarily need to have a lot of money, it helps but you can still achieve it. You will not find the keys of being powerful through some $2,000 dollar course given by some Twitter Guru who is living the life. No being powerful is a state of mind. Hence to say being powerful is to have an abundance mindset. The power of being positive by itself will open doors that were never open before. In other words you being positive will make you powerful.

Being positive will make others see you in a different light. People will be attracted by the abundance you are giving. People will be willing and able to help you out when you ask. All because your positive mindset just oozes from you. 

There are some steps you should follow to become a powerful person in your life and those 5 secret ways will be written below for you to read. These steps are not form some book or from a Twitter Guru, these principles were that of my doing. By watching and observing life and the people around me. Smoking Cigars or drinking liquor does make you a powerful person regardless from what you see online. That is not power but a perception of power. That's like a broke ass driving the latest BMW when we all know he or she lives with mom and dad, that's fake rich and power.

Power starts in the mind then goes out into the world. But how do you claim that power we all want? This is the part where I tell you those 5 principles i was talking about earlier!

Are you ready?

1. Getting rid of the negative talk in your mind!

This little gem is top priority! If you want to be a powerful person then you need to have a powerful mind! A mind that can control that negative voice telling you "you ain't shit" that voice that will fill you full of dread and self doubt. and not only that letting go of past pain and anger! When you learn to control your mind you will also learn to control your emotions. Just look around! All these so called adults get all emotional and butt hurt when they allow others to press their buttons. This principle will require that you let go of many things that have affected you. Its like you are being reborn again into a new you. This will take years to achieve! But with practice you will achieve

2. Let go of people with small minds.

We all have people around us who are negative and never really talk about progressing to be better in life. They want to hang out, go clubbing and smoke weed all ours of the day. These are the people you need to move away from, they are the cause of why you are not progressing. I see it all the time when i was growing up in the Ghetto. Dudes be by the corner Bodega hanging out all hours of the day and night doing absolutely nothing. Some of these guys are in their 40's and shit and don't have a pot to piss in. These are the people you have to stay away from. They are the ones that will bring you down when you start talking on how you want to make better of yourself and probably get out the "hood".

3. Learn to be an Extrovert!

This one was hard for me because I'm a natural Introvert. I was usually the quiet kid who never made a sound. I knew for me growing up this Introvertedness was going to hinder me in life as an adult. So i went ahead to find a cure which gave me the idea to join the military. Yes, I went and joined the service so that I can break out from my Introverted shell. Little by little I put myself into situations where I would have to speak up for myself and yes i crashed and burned many times and there were times were I did not. After so many years to pushing boundaries i cracked my shell and now I can also become an extrovert. You see in reality you will never get rid of your Introvert ways but having that extrovert and being able to use it whenever you want to can be a great weapon to use. One thing you must watch out for when being a extrovert. The energy that it takes to become an extrovert can drain your energy and because of this its best to take time away from people and recharge.

4. Read

I understand many people don't like to read which is sad! Reading helps you understand the world better from many different perspectives. Reading can help you realize how things work! Not only that the more you read the less chance you will get Alzheimers as it keeps your mind spongy and not full plague. Pick up a book and ready about culture, history, philosophy, finance etc. Because the more you know or are privy too the less you will expect from others. you will realize that all the things that you were taught through out life is bullshit! Once you notice that you will be able to carve your own road to success! They will not even see you coming. So read my friends read everyday!

5. Move quietly!

I cannot tell you how much this little rule has deflated many people's great ideas! why? Because they went ahead and opened their mouths on what they are planning or doing to others.You see when we tell others what we are doing the mind will take it as if "Oh, so i guess you already did it" and all the fuel and fire you had will disappear. Or even worse the people around you do not want you to progress because that means they too will have to progress and most people are just happy living the loser life.. I mean Average Joe and Jane life. So if you are planning to make moves in your life then keep it quiet! Don't tell others what you are doing until you get that goal accomplished.

These were the 5 principles I use everyday in my life and it has worked for me for years and still even to this day. I walk with Power and talk with power. I'm not afraid of fucking up because i know what I can and can't do. When I was down I picked myself up, when I failed I try again. You will have scars along the way but that is the life of the 1%.

Life is a wild Bull and we all have to ride it!


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