Do Job Recruiters Really Find You a Job?
Photo by Andrew Neel on Unsplash Do Job Recruiters really find you a job? To be honest their job is not for them to find you a job it’s more they are looking for people like you to fill positions. In other words they work for the businesses who need people to fill their job vacancies. In the beginning when I started out in the corporate world I tried using Job Recruiters. Many so called Interviews but nothing really came out of it. I guess it was my lack of experience which prevented me from getting a Job Recruiter interested in me so I had to do it the hard way and contacted Temp Agencies which allowed me to get my foot into the door. After that first exposure with Job Recruiters I kind of waved them off and considered them a waste of time since they never did help me find a job. It was not until I gained more experience in my field of work that I began getting contacted by Job Recruiters. It does help to constantly put your Resume out there even if you have a job. Only be...