Do Job Recruiters Really Find You a Job?
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Photo by Andrew Neel on Unsplash |
In the beginning when I started out in the corporate world I tried using Job Recruiters. Many so called Interviews but nothing really came out of it. I guess it was my lack of experience which prevented me from getting a Job Recruiter interested in me so I had to do it the hard way and contacted Temp Agencies which allowed me to get my foot into the door.
After that first exposure with Job Recruiters I kind of waved them off and considered them a waste of time since they never did help me find a job.
It was not until I gained more experience in my field of work that I began getting contacted by Job Recruiters. It does help to constantly put your Resume out there even if you have a job. Only because it makes sense to leave the back door open in case any opportunities pop up that you may want to explore. Which is why it’s always important to keep your Resume updated with the latest skills.
Remember your Resume is a representation of you and your work. The more skills you have the better your chances to get contacted by Job Recruiters.
Also you should have a LinkedIn account only because many a Job Recruiter is looking for qualified Candidates. So if you don’t have a LinkedIn account then you are wasting a valuable resource. From LinkedIn you can contact Job Recruiters. All you need is to do a “search” on LinkedIn for recruiters and it should give you pages of people and businesses that can help you. Send them your Resume reach out to them tell them you are looking for work and that you are dropping a Resume off. They will be more than happy to help and see if you are a fit in any of their open positions.
Now don’t just sit back and wait contact more Job Recruiters and repeat the process over and over. Remember the more hooks you have in the water the better the chances of having that one Job Recruiter who has a position you can fill.
Remember looking to get a job is a numbers game and it will take a lot of work and hustle from you to
get noticed. But once you do! They will call you, text and email you all the time with opportunities. How do I know because it happens to me all the time. Which is why it pays to keep your Resume out there on the internet. Keep your accounts in the job Boards active.
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Photo by Ben White on Unsplash |
Again if they don’t talk to you not to worry they will eventually find you and reach out.
Do Job Recruiters actually get you a job? Yes, as a matter of fact I have been able to get a few job positions from them. That is because my Resume is set up to in all the job boards which I continue to update all the time. When you do get a call from them do not be an ass! Listen to what they have to say and be honest when you answer them. Being nice goes a long way believe me. And if it’s not within the pay scale you were looking for kindly decline and ask that they keep you in mind when another position pops up.
Its all about communication and learning how to network with Job Recruiters. Yes you can work with more than one Recruiter if need be. In fact in my book its essential! you should have a bunch of Recruiters keeping an eye out for the job that will fit your skills. Many of them are hard workers and of course there are some that aren't which is why I always say always have you Eggs in different baskets as the chances of you getting that job is greater. Remember the more fishing poles you have set in pond the better the chances you will get that fish.
Another thing you will need to be on top of this. By that I mean that its not time for you to sit back and chill and think these Recruiters will do all the work. You will still need to search for jobs and send out Resumes as much as possible. Every moment you have available should be you looking for a job on your Smart Phone. There is no longer an excuse that you not finding a job since we all have the power of the Smart Phone. I use mine every chance i have some free time to check to see if a interesting job pops up.
I can say all these things and show you how easy it is but in the end its up to you! Sure you are probably collecting Unemployment and are living the life. Temporarily! This life you are living now will soon end. This month I hear that extra $600 is going away and I'm wandering what are you doing now? I know if i were you I would be sweating and getting back to the field and finding a job. Don't wait until its too late. Get on your phone or Laptop and start looking and chatting those Job Recruiters.
So stop having Sex with Big Bootie Betty or Big Dick Dan and get to work!
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